21 inspiring Law of Attraction quotes from THE SECRET

law of attraction quotes from the secret

“The Secret” was my introduction to the fascinating world of Law of Attraction. 

After reading the book & watching the film on Netflix, I couldn’t resist delving deeper into this subject. 

So over the course of a few years, I have read countless other books on Law of attraction, watched all the spiritual documentaries I could and have spent at least hundreds of hours on Youtube searching the Law of attraction.

Still sometimes even today i love going back to “The Secret” books and tapes. For me it’s like going back to the basics and I am always amazed by how far I have come on this journey of reality creation. 

Here are my top favorite Law of Attraction quotes from The Secret that will surely help you along your manifesting journey.

Law of attraction is powerful.

The law of attraction is a law of nature. It is as impartial and impersonal as the law of gravity is. It is precise, and it is exact.” 

You can always turn your life around.

“Whatever circumstances you were born into, whatever family life and education you had or didn’t have, you came here to make your dreams come true, and no matter where you are now, you are fully equipped with everything you need to do it.” 

Your life is a reflection of your thoughts.

“Your life right now is a reflection of your past thoughts. That includes all the great things, and all the things you consider not so great. Since you attract to you what you think about most, it is easy to see what your dominant thoughts have been on every subject of your life, because that is what you have experienced. Until now.”

Thoughts attract more of same frequency.

“Thoughts are magnetic, and thoughts have a frequency. As you think thoughts, they are sent out into the Universe, and they magnetically attract all like things that are on the same frequency. Everything sent out returns to the source – you.” 

Learn from your mistakes.

“You are human, you will make mistakes, and it’s one of the most beautiful things about being human, but you must learn from your mistakes, otherwise your life will have a lot of unnecessary pain.” 

Best time to reprogram your subconscious is the drowsy state before sleep.

“The most powerful time to reprogram the subconscious mind is when you’re falling asleep at night. When you’re in that very sleepy state of being half asleep and half awake, plant the thought that you can do anything and you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Your aim is to make that “believing in yourself” thought your last thought” 

No wish is too big.

“It is as easy to manifest one dollar as it is to manifest one million dollars.

We are always creating our reality.

“Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has a thought, or a prolonged, chronic way of thinking, they’re in the creation process. Something is going to manifest out of those thoughts” (Michael Beckwith.)

Take charge of each day.

“Create your day in advance by thinking the way you want it to go, and you will create your life intentionally”.

Express gratitude often.

“It is impossible to bring more into your life if you are feeling ungrateful about what you have. Why? Because the thoughts and feelings you emit as you feel ungrateful are all negative emotions. ” 

Give out Joy to attract joy.

“Every single day, no matter who you meet in the day – friends, family, work colleagues, strangers – give joy to them. Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but give joy! Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you.” 

Your job is to “feel good”.

“Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good.”

You are worthy.

“There is a truth deep down inside of you that has been waiting for you to discover it, and that truth is this: you deserve all good things life has to offer.”

There is always HOPE.

“Your life is in your hands. No matter where you are now, no matter what has happened in your life, you can begin to consciously choose your thoughts, and you can change your life.There is no such thing as a hopeless situation.Every single circumstance of your life can change.”

Be a Giver.

“Giving is a powerful action to bring more money into your life, because when you are giving you are saying, “I have plenty.””

Indulge in self-love.

“To create the life of your dreams, the time has come for you to love You. Focus on Your joy. Do all the things that make You feel good. Love You, inside and out. Everything will change in your life, when you change the inside of you. Allow the Universe to give you every good thing you deserve, by being a magnet to them all. To be a magnet for every single thing you deserve, you must be a magnet of love.” 

Keep yourself first.

“Many people have sacrificed themselves for others, thinking when they sacrifice themselves they are being a good person. Wrong! To sacrifice yourself can only come from thoughts of absolute lack, because it is saying, “There is not enough for everyone, so I will go without.” Those feelings do not feel good and will eventually lead to resentment.”

Be an optimist.

“You have the freedom to choose to be optimistic or pessimistic. You can peel off your old attitude like a suit of clothes, and put on a brand spanking new attitude every single day. It’s as simple as that.” 

Let go of anger.

“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one getting burned.” 

Quit replaying scenarios from your past.

“A person who sets his or her mind on the dark side of life, who lives over and over the misfortunes and disappointments of the past, prays for similar misfortunes and disappointments in the future. If you will see nothing but ill luck in the future, you are praying for such ill luck and will surely get it.” 

It’s now or never!

“You might think, ‘I’ve got time to follow my dreams.’ You don’t have time. Life is short. The current life expectancy is 24,869 days. While some of us will live more days and some fewer, either way you have only a precious number of days to live this life, and so you do not have time to put off your dreams. It is now or never. If you don’t do it now, you will keep putting it off, and you’ll never do it. The time is now.”  

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