How to use the Law of Attraction? | Beginner’s Guide

How to use the law of attraction?

What’s the Law of Attraction?

Law of attraction states that “through our thoughts and feelings we attract experiences, people and things into our lives”. 

The basic principle behind this law is “Like attracts like”.

Each thought you think has a frequency. This frequency attracts circumstances of the same frequency into your life. 

Law of attraction is as powerful and as real as the law of gravity. Law of attraction is always working whether you know about it or not.

Is the Law of Attraction REAL?

How to use the law of attraction

Law of attraction is not any fantasy or wishful thinking. It is 100% real and is at work all the time.

The scientific studies around the placebo effect are the biggest proof of law of attraction.

Let me try to give you an idea of the placebo effect through a simple scenario.

Let’s say John is suffering from a headache and his friend who knows about the power of intention gives him some fake(inert) pills saying that these pills will cure his headache. Now since John trusts his friend and his prescription, he takes the pill with a strong belief that it will surely cure him of the headache. Twenty minutes after taking the pills, John experiences a significant reduction in his headache. 

Now one must ask that if the pill John swallowed was fake, what cured his headache?

His BELIEF in the pill.

Yes. This is the power of our mind. We can make stuff happen just through our beliefs. 

This is just a very simplified example but there are countless scientific experiments that you must research to learn more about the placebo effect.

How to use the Law of Attraction?

There are three basic steps to the law of attraction.

1. ASK :

To use the law of attraction, decide what you want from the universe. Make your wish as clear and exact as possible. For instance, to manifest weight loss you might say that “I want to lose 20 pounds by the end of this year”.

This wish is powerful because it tells the universe your exact intention and also gives a time frame in which you want to achieve what you wished for.

To use the law of attraction, decide what you want from the universe. Make your wish as clear and exact as possible. For instance, to manifest weight loss you might say that “I want to lose 20 pounds by the end of this year”.

This wish is powerful because it tells the universe your exact intention and also gives a time frame in which you want to achieve what you wished for.

Remember : making your wish as specific as possible is a great trick to manifest it faster.


The second step is a little difficult because it involves building your faith in the universe. To get your desire manifested in reality, you must “believe” that you will get it.

You must see yourself worthy of the desire and you must know that the universe is working on your desire. 

Remind yourself frequently that you cannot see it (your desire fulfilled in reality) because it is taking some time to shift in the physical realm from the energetic level.

So to get your desire from energy to matter, you must have total faith in the power of law of attraction. 


The last step looks so easy but is perhaps the hardest of all three.

After stating your desire and building enough faith in the process, you must let your desire go. This is also called detachment.

You let go of your desire because you are now fully trusting that the universe is going to fulfill your desire in the most beautiful way possible. 

Hence there is no point of getting obsessed about when or how it is going to happen. It will surely happen at the right time. 

How to practice the Law of Attraction?

Law of attraction scripting

There are so many tools that people use to practice law of attraction so let me state some important ones here.


Visualization refers to practicing the power of your imagination to create your desired reality.

For a visualization session you are supposed to sit in silence, quiet your mind and then start imagining as if you are living the life you wish.

This tool is my absolute favorite because it gets me so excited about my future and rejuvenates my faith in the law of attraction.

You may read a detailed article I have compiled on effective Visualization here


Scripting as the name suggests refers to writing your wishes in a journal (that’s why it’s also called journaling).

There are no hard and fast rules about what you may or may not journal about. However you must be creative during your journaling sessions. 

The only thing you must remember is to avoid writing anything negative. Also writing your journal entry in present tense is recommended. 

You may write about what you want or you may write a story about living as your future self. 

Just don’t hold back your emotions and feelings during writing. The more involved you are into the script, the better it is.


Meditation is a doorway that leads you to the law of attraction because it teaches you to use your mental faculties in the most efficient way possible. 

Meditation not only helps you manifest your desired life, it also helps you excel in all areas of your life. 

The most basic meditation is sitting with your eyes closed and focusing on your breath. But if you find that difficult, start with a guided meditation on Youtube. 


Yes you read that right! Gratitude is indeed a tool to practice the law of attraction.

When you say or feel thankful about something you have in your life, your feeling sends out a certain vibration into the universe. This vibration attracts more things of the same nature to you so that you may continue feeling thankful.

Gratitude is so easy yet so very powerful in nature. 

Unlike other practices like visualization or meditation, Gratitude does not demand that you take out specific time to practice it. In fact you can feel grateful at any moment of your day. 

You may feel thankful for the clean fresh water that you get to drink or your beautiful house. It is as simple as that. 


Affirmations are small positive statements you may repeat anytime of the day to attract your desires. 

Affirmations play a huge role in training your mind for success. 

When you train the mind through affirmations, you automatically build that necessary faith in the law of attraction.So the process of manifestation becomes a piece of cake. 

What can I manifest using the Law of Attraction?

How to use the law of attraction

The possibilities are limitless!

Literally limitless! 

You can get anything you desire through this powerful universal force. 

From big life goals like earning a billion dollars to small things like making your skin clearer – the Law of attraction does it all! 

You must see the Law of attraction as your faithful servant, it serves you whatever you order it – be it negative or positive, be it big or small.

So make sure to always order the right things you want to attract in your life and have fun manifesting. 🙂

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