48 Best Affirmations for Slim Legs (get toned, slimmer legs)

Affirmations for slim legs

Do you want legs that would make others envious? Legs that would be the center of attention wherever you go? Here are affirmations for slim legs that would help you achieve your goals faster and easier.

These positive affirmations will rewire your mind to see yourself a certain way and soon that self-image would become an outer reality.

  1. I lose weight easily and effortlessly.
  2. My body is super toned.
  3. My body is slim.
  4. My body is beautiful.
  5. I am always at my ideal weight.
  6. Each part of my body is in perfect proportions.
  7. I have long and slim legs.
  8. I have perfectly toned thighs.
  9. I often get complimented for my slim and sexy legs. 
  10. I love being appreciated for my beautiful body. 
  11. I am healthy.
  12. Each cell in my body is overflowing with health and vitality.
  13. I nourish my body with the right foods.
  14. I have a superb relationship with my body.
  15. I always eat in the right proportions.
  16. I am naturally attracted to healthy foods.
  17. I love eating fruits and vegetables.
  18. I love moving my body. 
  19. I get a good amount of daily exercise. 
  20. I have a perfect sleep cycle.
  21. Each day I get motivated to work on my body.
  22. My body is incredibly flexible.
  23. I am proud of my body.
  24. I have a rocking personality with a rocking body.
  25. I am very charismatic.
  26. I have a natural charm that influences people positively.
  27. Everyones loves me and admires me. 
  28. I am beautiful inside out.
  29. My skin is perfectly flawless.
  30. My skin is radiant and glowing. 
  31. My youth is eternal.
  32. My body easily stays in perfect shape.
  33. I trust my body.
  34. With every passing day, my body becomes more beautiful.
  35. I am effortlessly skinny.
  36. My body is very strong.
  37. Whenever I gain any extra weight, I lose it within days.
  38. There is no unwanted fat on my body.
  39. I love my body’s ability to stay super fit naturally.
  40. My metabolism is naturally very fast.
  41. I have a healthy lifestyle.
  42. I easily adopt habits that benefit my health and beauty.
  43. I am fully dedicated to maintaining a stunning body.
  44. I am proud of the way I am.
  45. I fully accept myself for my uniqueness.
  46. I always put myself first.
  47. Self-love is a big part of my life.
  48. I love myself, my body and my life.
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