55 Deeply Moving Quotes from The Untethered Soul

Quotes from the untethered soul

The Untethered Soul is a self-help book by Michael Singer. The book talks about life, desire, suffering and living your best through it all. Here are 55 most powerful quotes from the Untethered Soul.

“Every single time you relax and release, a piece of the pain leaves forever.” 

“Life is surrounding you with people and situations that stimulate growth. You don’t have to decide who’s right or wrong. You don’t have to worry about other people’s issues. You only have to be willing to open your heart in the face of anything and everything, and permit the purification process to take place.” 

“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind—you are the one who hears it.”

“You will someday come to see that there is no use for that incessant internal chatter, and there is no reason to constantly attempt to figure everything out. Eventually you will see that the real cause of problems is not life itself. It’s the commotion the mind makes about life that really causes problems.” 

“What you’ll find is that the only thing you really want from life is to feel enthusiasm, joy, and love. If you can feel that all the time, then who cares what happens outside?” 

“The only thing there is to get from life is the growth that comes from experiencing it. Life itself is your career, and your interaction with life is your most meaningful relationship.”

“You’re just standing on one little ball of dirt and spinning around one of the stars. From that perspective, do you really care what people think about your clothes or your car?”

“You should be experiencing the life that’s happening to you, not the one you wish was happening. Don’t waste a moment of life trying to make other things happen; appreciate the moments you are given.”

“Set your eyes on the highest state you can imagine and don’t take them off.” 

“Do you want to know how God looks upon this world? Do you want to know how He feels about different kinds of people? Then look at the sun. Does the sun shine more brightly on a saint than on anyone else? Is the air more available to the saint? Does the rain fall on one neighbor’s trees more than another’s?” 

“I am not the disturbance that I see.” 

“It is truly a great cosmic paradox that one of the best teachers in all of life turns out to be death. No person or situation could ever teach you as much as death has to teach you. While someone could tell you that you are not your body, death shows you. While someone could remind you of the insignificance of the things that you cling to, death takes them all away in a second. While people can teach you that men and women of all races are equal and that there is no difference between the rich and the poor, death instantly makes us all the same.” 

“Since the event has already passed, you are actually struggling with yourself, not with the event.” 

“The most important thing in life is your inner energy. If you’re always tired and never enthused, then life is no fun. But if you’re always inspired and filled with energy, then every minute of every day is an exciting experience.” 

“True personal growth is about transcending the part of you that is not okay and needs protection.”

“This act of maintaining objective awareness of the inner problem is always better than losing yourself in the outer situation. This is the essential difference between a spiritually minded person and a worldly person.”

“Stop and think about what you’re capable of achieving. Up to now, your capacities have been constrained by constant inner struggles.” 

“You will soon see that your mind is constantly driving you crazy over nothing. If you don’t want to be like that, then stop putting energy into your psyche. That is all there is to it. If you follow this path, the only action you ever take is to relax and release. When you start to see this stuff going on inside, you just relax your shoulders, relax your heart, and fall back behind it. Do not touch it. Do not get involved in it. And do not try to stop it. Simply be aware that you are seeing it. That’s how you get out. You just let it go.” 

“Death changes everything in a flash. That’s the reality of the situation. If all these things can be changed in an instant, then maybe they aren’t so real after all.” 

“If you’re not trying to make people fit into your preconceived notions of what you like and dislike, you will find that relationships are not really that difficult.”

“If you want to achieve peace in the face of your problems, you must understand why you perceive a particular situation as a problem.” 

“Life exists with or without you. It has been going on for billions of years. You simply get the honor of seeing a tiny slice of it.” 

“Fear is the cause of every problem. It’s the root of all prejudices and the negative emotions of anger, jealousy, and possessiveness. If you had no fear, you could be perfectly happy living in this world.” 

“Somebody says something, and you start to feel the energy get a little strange inside. You will actually start to feel a tightening. That is your cue that it’s time to grow.”

“The first problem you have to deal with is your own reaction. You will not be able to solve anything outside until you own how the situation affects you inside.” 

“If you’re not so busy judging and resisting people based upon what is blocked inside of you, you will find that they are much easier to get along with—and so are you. Letting go of yourself is the simplest way to get closer to others.” 

“Life itself is your career, and your interaction with life is your most meaningful relationship.”

“Stress only happens when you resist life’s events.” 

“Why wait until everything is taken from you before you learn to dig down deep inside yourself to reach your highest potential?”

“What it means to live life is to experience the moment that is passing through you, and then experience the next moment, and then the next.” 

“You don’t have to constantly be mulling over what you said or what this person thinks of you. What kind of life are you going to have if you worry about these things all the time? Inner sensitivity is a symptom of non-well-being.” 

“You gain nothing by being bothered by life’s events. It doesn’t change the world; you just suffer. There’s always going to be something that can bother you, if you let it.” 

“Life is continuously changing, and if you’re trying to control it, you’ll never be able to fully live it.” 

“Go ahead, take a look at reality. You’re floating in empty space in a universe that goes on forever. If you have to be here, at least be happy and enjoy the experience. You’re going to die anyway. Things are going to happen anyway. Why shouldn’t you be happy? You gain nothing by being bothered by life’s events. It doesn’t change the world; you just suffer.” 

“You will come to see that the mind talks all the time because you gave it a job to do. You use it as a protection mechanism, a form of defense.”

“A wise person affirms, “If with one breath all of this can change, then I want to live at the highest level while I’m alive. I’m going to stop bothering the people I love. I’m going to live life from the deepest part of my being.””

“So there are two ways you can live: you can devote your life to staying in your comfort zone, or you can work on your freedom.” 

“What does it feel like to identify more with Spirit than with form? You used to walk around feeling anxiety and tension; now you walk around feeling love. You just feel love for no reason. Your backdrop is love. Your backdrop is openness, beauty, and appreciation.”

“You have to understand that it is your attempt to get special experiences from life that makes you miss the actual experience of life. Life is not something you get; it’s something you experience.” 

“Unconditional happiness is the highest technique there is. You don’t have to learn Sanskrit or read any scriptures. You don’t have to renounce the world. You just have to really mean it when you say that you choose to be happy. And you have to mean it regardless of what happens. This is truly a spiritual path, and it is as direct and sure a path to Awakening as could possibly exist.” 

“The natural ups and downs of life can either generate personal growth or create personal fears. Which of these dominates is completely dependent upon how we view change.” 

“You have to break the habit of thinking that the solution to your problems is to rearrange things outside. The only permanent solution to your problems is to go inside and let go of the part of you that seems to have so many problems with reality.” 

“You don’t fight the mind. In fact, you don’t even try to change it. You just make a game out of relaxing in the face of its melodrama.” 

“We all know that true love doesn’t judge. Love sees nothing but beauty in its beloved. There is no impurity. There is no possibility of impurity. No matter what it beholds, it’s all beautiful. That is how true love sees. That is what it looks like through the eyes of love.” 

“What actually gives life meaning is the willingness to live it.” 

“The spiritual journey is one of constant transformation. In order to grow, you must give up the struggle to remain the same, and learn to embrace change at all times.” 

“Most people can hardly imagine what it would be like to be at peace with inner disturbance. But if you do not learn to be comfortable with it, you will devote your life to avoiding it.”

“When you are trained, like a great athlete, to immediately relax through your edges when they get hit, then it’s all over. You realize that you will always be fine.” 

“Getting involved in the darkness does not dispel darkness; it feeds it. Don’t even turn toward it.” 

“If you truly love someone, your love sees past their humanness. It embraces their whole being, including past wrongs and current shortcomings. It is like the unconditional love of a mother.”

“What you end up experiencing is really a personal presentation of the world according to you, rather than the stark, unfiltered experience of what is really out there.” 

“You are very accustomed to settling into the playground of the mind and creating and manipulating thoughts. This inner world is an alternate environment that is under your control. The outside world, however, marches to its own laws.” 

“You don’t have to constantly be mulling over what you said or what this person thinks of you.” 

“Every day we bear a burden that we should not be bearing. We fear that we are not good enough or that we will fail. We experience insecurity, anxiety, and self-consciousness. We fear that people will turn on us, take advantage of us, or stop loving us. All of these things burden us tremendously.” 

“You are allowing your mind to create triggers that open and close you. Let go of that. Dare to be different. Enjoy all of life.” 

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